Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tree Decorating

We had a great holiday season and a lovely Christmas with family and dear friends yesterday. We are also looking forward to Mimi and Papa's visit shortly!
In the meantime, I need to catch up on blogging. Here's some photos of Miles and Jack decorating the tree. I'll post some of their visit with Santa, cookie decorating with Tiffany and more over the next few days! Happy Holidays.
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Jumping Jack

Like Miles was, Jack is enamored with his Bungee Baby Bouncer. He loves hanging out in it while we are cooking in the kitchen or decorating the tree in the living room. Jesse just got some good video of him bouncing around, I'll have to convince Jesse to guest blog and upload it. [Jesse -- hint, hint].

Happy Holidays everyone from Santa Jack -- we are having a busy December but really enjoying the holiday season.
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A Growing Jack

Jack is getting bigger by the day. He was almost 18 pounds at his four month appointment. But if you can believe it, he is smaller then Miles at this age. I love his big cheeks and little dimples. We just started him on rice cereal, it's going to take some adjustment. He's not thrilled with the whole concept!
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Miles and Mollie Playdate

This is a little out of chronological order, but the photos were cute so I had to post. Mollie continues to be one of Miles' favorite people in the world, and we love having her over out to our house. As you can see, Mollie also loves our dogs. Donna and Tom -- if you are reading this, I think you need to get Miss Mollie a dog....
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Happy Thanksgiving!



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I know it has been a while since I blogged. Things have been busy -- I went back to work right before Thanksgiving, and now Jesse is home with Jack through the end of January. It's been an easier transition having Jesse home, and Jack loves it.

We had a great Thanksgiving with Jesse's family. Martina and Derek came down from Vancouver, Jerri and Barce flew over from Montana, and Ryan was of course in town. Great food and company!