Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jack meets Miles

Friday Jack met his big brother Miles. Miles was excited and kept telling us "that guy is funny."

Today (Saturday) we took Jack home. Miles and Laura met us at "The Swedish" to help. We told Miles that Jack brought him a present. At home was waiting a new basketball hoop for Miles. How a newborn baby that can't talk manages to purchase and setup a giant plastic basketball hoop in our basement...Miles didn't question. He just yelled "that makes me soooo happy. Thank you baby Jack!"

Jack is a good sleeper and eater so far. The boys now have Amy outnumbered 3 to 1. God help her.

-Jesse (guest blogger)

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Jack Arrives!

Jack Timothy Pannoni was born July 24th, 2009 at 2:44 am. He weighed 7 lbs 10 oz, and was 20 inches long. He likes to arrive early.... His due date was August 3rd.

Amy and Jack are doing great.

Guest blogging by Jesse.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Few July Favorites

In my effort to get caught up to the present on photos, here are a few of my favorites from July. Most are self-explanatory. In the first one, Miles is trying out his new "milkshake machine" and making smoothies with Jesse. In the last one, he is on his way out to his friend Sonia's birthday party. (No, the tattoo on his arm is not real.) What you cannot really tell from the photo is that Lindy is stealing a cheese stick out of his hand as I am taking the photo.

Finally, Miles' comment of the week:

Mama: Miles, I'm tired (as I am pushing him in his stroller uphill to Starbucks, almost nine months pregnant)
Miles: That's because you are 35.

Thanks kid.

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Potty Training

Miles was quite excited about potty training, especially given that it meant he got to pick out big boy underwear. I wasn't planning on trying to work on this before Jack arrived, but he is currently the youngest in his class at school and was desperate to try to catch up with some of his older friends. The purchase of Buzz Lightyear and Diego underwear, his teachers at YCA (they deserve all the credit), and some sheer bribery (video rental and gummy bears) = a pretty painless process. After a week or so of hit or miss, he's pretty much out of diapers. Just in time for Jack to arrive. In the third photo, he's attempting to flex his muscles. Kenneth, if you are reading this, I seem to remember a similar photo of you from back in 1984. Incidentally, when he first started, his teachers at school were asking me why he kept trying to put his underwear on this head. I think the first photo explains it all.

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Miles has spent a fair amount of time in Spa Pannoni, his backyard pool. Jesse warms the water and Miles would spend all day in there if we let him. As you will see in this second photo, he has created his own diving board of sorts. He also started swimming lessons with his little friend Joshua. Aunt Laura has been taking him, as his pregnant mother is not that excited to be in the pool. He's enjoying the swimming lessons, but really dying to start jumping off the diving board (not part of the lesson as he can't swim). He'll get there soon enough!

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We've been using the deck a lot this summer, and one of Miles' favorite activities is eating popsicles. Here's a few photos of Jesse and Miles. I'm pretty sure they were singing a Journey song while I was taking the photos.
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Mimi and Papa's May Visit

Mimi and Papa came out to visit us in Seattle in early May for a long weekend. I did not take enough photos of the visit, but I did manage to capture Miles' favorite gift from them, a new shovel (aka "the scooper") so he can help Jesse with yard work. It was a big hit. Here are a few photos of him testing out his new shovel with Mimi. Other highlights of the visit included a visit to the Seattle Center and Miles' favorite rides, a trip to our favorite Korean BBQ restaurant, and various shopping trips for Miles and Jack (two lucky grandsons). Miles is very excited for them to come back at the end of July!

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Starting a blog for the Pannoni boys

Well, we are about two weeks away from Jack's arrival, and I have decided that I need to find a better way to post photos and happenings of Miles and his imminently arriving little brother, Jack. Jesse has some skepticism about the future frequency of my postings (he suggested I call this "I blog like I garden"), but I am going to give it a try.

Since it has been six months since I sent out any photos of Miles, I thought I would post a few different photos and tidbits from the first half of 2009. We've been having a great year and are excited for Jack's arrival. The due date is August 3rd (Jesse's birthday), but I am hoping he comes a little earlier then that, as I have had enough being pregnant. Miles has declared that Jack is going to bring him a basketball hoop and basketball when he arrives. You'll have to stay tuned for later posts to see if that happens.

