Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jack -- One Month Old!

Jack was one month old yesterday (August 24th). I cannot believe that much time has passed already, but am grateful that I have three more months at home with him. He's getting big -- 9 pounds or so!
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Derek and Martina Visit

We had a nice visit from Derek and Martina last weekend. Miles was excited to have them come to his soccer practice, and they got to spend some time meeting Jack. We are looking forward to their wedding in Vancouver next month!

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Some Blog Space for Miles

I thought I should add a few photos of Miles, as Jack is getting most of the blog space these days. Miles has been a great big brother. Here are a few photos of him -- playing at the park, watching Sesame Street on the iPod, testing out the baby gear, and hanging out with Leroy. He's adjusting well and is very proud of "Baby Jack." Last night he told Jack -- "I still love you even though you really do cry a lot." Very endearing.

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Growing Bigger

Jack is growing bigger, thanks to some assistance from Miles (he loves the chance to give him a bottle). He is up to almost 9 pounds. Not as big as Miles was, but definitely filling out and we are starting to see some of his features. Still not sure who he looks like!

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Mimi and Papa's Visit

Mimi and Papa came to visit Miles and Jack for about 10 days after Jack was born. They were a tremendous help and we were very grateful for their visit! Miles especially was excited to have them here and he definitely received a lot of attention. Miles took them all around Seattle -- the zoo, Museum of Flight, library, soccer practice, swimming lessons, Starbucks and the park. He was quite sad when they left. And so were Jesse and I -- in addition to the good company, home cooked meals, grocery shopping and laundry, we definitely appreciated the fact that they woke up with Miles every day at 6:30 a.m., and watched endless Diego episodes. (Somehow Papa convinced Miles to watch some dinosaur and space documentaries by the end of the week). They also fulfilled Miles' demand for a rocketship!

We are looking forward to seeing them again in October, when Miles, Jack and I fly back to Delaware for a visit. Jesse thinks I am crazy to venture on a plane with the two of them by myself. I feel bad for the person in seat 10D on the Seattle to Philly flight on October 11th. But, there's nothing that could happen that a glass of wine couldn't fix when I arrive.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Compare-Contrast Miles and Jack

When Jack first arrived I thought he and Miles looked nothing alike. But after the first few days, when Jack started to fill out, I began to think that they actually had a lot of similar features. So, I thought I would do a compare/contrast. Same clothes, roughly the same age/weight (about 2 weeks, 8 pounds). Jack is the top photo, Miles is the bottom. Before anyone gets excited about Jack's hair color, while it looks a little reddish in the photo, it is really brown. I know the redheads on both sides of the family will be disappointed!
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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Jack - A Few Shots from Week One

Jack has had a great first week, and is quite the mellow little guy. I thought I would share a few shots of him as he starts to lose the newborn look. The last two photos are of Miles feeding Jack. He kept begging us to do so, so we let him give a bottle and do the whole burping process. He was pretty proud of himself.

My parents (aka Mimi and Papa) are here visiting now, so we will have more photos of week two and their visit later this week. Miles is very much enjoying all of the attention. And Jesse and I appreciate all of their help (especially Papa's willingness to get up at 6:30 a.m. with Miles and watch an endless loop of Diego episodes).

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