Friday, August 21, 2009

Mimi and Papa's Visit

Mimi and Papa came to visit Miles and Jack for about 10 days after Jack was born. They were a tremendous help and we were very grateful for their visit! Miles especially was excited to have them here and he definitely received a lot of attention. Miles took them all around Seattle -- the zoo, Museum of Flight, library, soccer practice, swimming lessons, Starbucks and the park. He was quite sad when they left. And so were Jesse and I -- in addition to the good company, home cooked meals, grocery shopping and laundry, we definitely appreciated the fact that they woke up with Miles every day at 6:30 a.m., and watched endless Diego episodes. (Somehow Papa convinced Miles to watch some dinosaur and space documentaries by the end of the week). They also fulfilled Miles' demand for a rocketship!

We are looking forward to seeing them again in October, when Miles, Jack and I fly back to Delaware for a visit. Jesse thinks I am crazy to venture on a plane with the two of them by myself. I feel bad for the person in seat 10D on the Seattle to Philly flight on October 11th. But, there's nothing that could happen that a glass of wine couldn't fix when I arrive.

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