Saturday, January 16, 2010

January Jack

Time is going fast! Jack has two teeth, is roughly 19 pounds, rolling over, sitting up, jumping endlessly, and almost six months old. The chubby cheeks and belly is reminiscent of Miles at this age -- but while you would never know it from the photos, Miles still had a few pounds on Jack at this point in time. Here are a few photos of Jack hanging out with Lindy on the couch, standing in the bath (also a favorite activity), jumping, and in his pensive Gerber baby pose. Very soon he will be with Miles full-time at YCA!
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New Year's with Mimi and Papa

We had fun having Mimi and Papa out here for the holidays. Here's some photos of New Year's Eve. We all took the boys to lunch at Purple Wine Cafe, where Miles got a very special "milk flight" (as opposed to wine). Jack looked grown up in his big boys clothes. There's also a photo of Miles with his special New Year's cocktail, and then the boys right before they went to bed. We had a great 2009, feel thankful to have a happy and healthy little Jack, and look forward to 2010!
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Post-Holiday Wrap Up

I know it is January already, but I need to post some holiday photos I promised the grandparents before I can move into 2010. These are some pre-Christmas photos.

(1) Miles and Jack visiting Santa at the top of the Space Needle (notice the space age sleigh and Santa suit). Miles refused to speak, but we are making progress this year. Last year he wouldn't get within 10 feet of Santa.

(2) and (3) Miles had a fabulous time making Christmas cookies with Tiffany and I. In the third picture, Miles is showing off his creations. He chose to make and use brown icing. It wasn't terribly appetizing. The color kind of reminds me of a red/green jello mold dessert that I tried to make in 1987. Tiffany and Greg's baby boy is due any day now, we are really excited for Jack to have a playmate!

(4) Jolly little Jack. He's modeling his skin tight holiday pajamas.
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