Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Derek and Martina's Wedding

We took the boys up to Vancouver a few weekends ago for Derek and Martina's wedding.  I was so happy that Jack was old enough to travel so that I could make it.  Their wedding was beautiful and a great party (I especially enjoyed the mini Sophia champagne).   Jack also got to meet his Nana Jerri, and we very much appreciated her help throughout the wedding weekend.

Here's a few photos from the weekend.  Miles looked quite grown up in his sports coat (thanks Suzanne!).  The top photo of Miles with Jesse is the rehearsal dinner evening.  The photo of Miles with me is just before the wedding.  The third photo is Jack with Jerri.  And the last photo is Miles and his best buddy Jake as they took a break to watch some dvds during the reception (photo courtesy of Jerri).  Because I did not bring my camera to the wedding, I did not get any of the beautiful bride and groom, but they looked great!  Wonderful family weekend.

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