Thursday, September 3, 2009

Miles Turns Three!

Miles had his third birthday yesterday (September 2nd). He has been anticipating this day for months, and he had quite the day. It started with his usual 6:45 a.m. wake up, but instead of handing him the iPod touch and telling him to watch Sesame Street so we could sleep a little more, we gladly got up with him to open presents and have pancakes. [Mean Mama only usually lets him have syrup on Saturdays, because his clothes and hair end up coated in syrup and it is more then I can handle on a regular work/school day!]. We had promised that he could open just a few presents from Mimi and Papa, but he negotiated with us and opened a few from us too. In the first picture up there, he is about to open the present from Lindy and Leroy (legos -- it is amazing how well those dogs can shop).

He then left for school with his bike helmet, as he could finally ride the bike merry-go-round at school. You have to be 3 to ride it and you get to bring your helmet. (see second photo). Mama, Dada, Jack and Donna (Mollie's mom) came to school in the afternoon for cupcakes with his class, along with spiderman plates and napkins, selected by Miles. I think his favorite part was having everyone sing to him. He likes the idea of cupcakes better then the cupcakes themselves. He tends to not eat them, even when we give him his favorite vanilla (he claims to hate chocolate).

The party continued that evening, as Aunt Laura and Uncle Ryan came with us to dinner at Miles' birthday restaurant of choice, Via Tribunali. He consumed an entire salumi platter, pizza, sparkling Italian orange soda, and tiramisu (the kid has good/expensive taste). The third picture is him blowing out candles at the restaurant.

He was so sad at the end of the day that his birthday was over, he lay in bed with his arm over his eyes, muttering, "I can't believe my birthday is over." We assured him that he could continue to play with his presents, and he had a "rocketship birthday party" with some of his friends from school in about a week. That seemed to cheer him up. The last photo is of the Pannoni boys at the conclusion of the big birthday. Stay tuned for photos of his party with his friends from school -- we are having it on 9/13.

On behalf of Miles, thanks to everyone for his birthday wishes yesterday!
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