Monday, October 26, 2009

Jack's Back

Actually, we're all back. It's been a while since I blogged, because Miles, Jack and I spent a fabulous nine days on the east coast. While we got back about a week ago, we've been juggling some lovely fall illness (nothing serious) and I haven't caught up. We had a really nice trip -- my brother Ken came up from Baltimore, my uncle Vin drove down from Boston, and it is, of course, always lovely seeing Mimi, Papa, Nora and Steve. And we had a very fun (and too short) day with Emily, Maddy, Will and Ruth. For the first time, Miles and Will really played together and the 18 month age difference didn't seem to matter. I have lots of photos to post, but I need to collect them from various sources (Vin, thanks for sending yours!), because I didn't have my camera. Watch for more soon! But we're back and I should be posting more regularly. Hoped you missed us.
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