Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Miles' First Trip to the Dentist

Now that Miles turned three, it was time to tackle the dentist. I thought that there was no way he would sit still for this, so we did a fair amount of advance work, buying him a book on going to the dentist and having him go to the dentist's office to meet everyone and watch one of Jesse's cleanings in September (before his actual appointment). But I was worried that it would be a different story when they put the tools in his mouth. However, he did amazingly well (no tears or squirming) and much of that credit goes to Dr. Friedrich and Abby (the dental hygenist). The orange flavored toothpaste was the highlight of the cleaning, as well as getting his polaroid on the wall with all of the big kids at the end. My little man seemed so grown up! We were very proud of him.
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